Friday, July 9, 2010

Doctor's Visit - Week 39

Big Belly next to Baby Mo's bassinet

I saw Dr. Lai on Thursday, and it seems like we are gradually making progress. I had strong contractions off and on the day before, so I thought we would see some results in the measurements, but it seems like we're progressing at a little slower pace than I had hoped. I was dilated a little more than last time but still measure at 1 cm. My cervix has thinned to 50%, and Baby Mo is at a -3 station, a little higher than she was last time (?!). I expected her to actually be lower, but Dr. Lai suggested I use a pilates ball to start moving her down more, so I've been sitting on one every chance I get. She's also measuring a little smaller than we originally thought, based on the weekly measurement of my uterus (38 1/2 cm), which is the equivalent of what she would weigh at 38 1/2 weeks, a week behind where we are now. I think this is probably a good thing, though, because Dr. Lai was concerned about her being big, and if she had continued to grow from the weight indicated by the ultrasound two weeks ago, we would have considered inducing labor sooner to avoid complications related to her larger size.

So, it's a mixed bag this week, but overall, we are moving forward, primarily because I'm more dilated than I was last week, and I've had some pretty solid contractions. We did have a cervical membrane sweep to stimulate prostoglandin production, the hormone that helps begin delivery. You can have 2-3 of these as a natural alternative to drug induced labor. At this point, I'm willing to try any natural alternative before we reach July 22nd, which is the date Dr. Lai has set for induction at the hospital if we haven't already had Baby Mo. This is an appropriate 8 days after my due date, and it's somewhat of a relief to have an end date in mind, in case we do go that long, but I'd really rather have her before then.

I'm also anxiously awaiting the completion of the baby room. Since Greg is the only one who can paint between us (too many fumes for me!), and he's been busy at work lately, it's taken a little longer than we planned, but he is finishing the color today, and he'll put the furniture together tomorrow so I can start organizing everything. We'll still have a lot of the details to do like any decorations, lighting, etc., but it will be functional before Baby Mo comes, which is exciting! Of course, more photos to come.....

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