Wednesday, February 24, 2010

20 1/2 Weeks (over half way there!)

I'm starting to feel a lot more movement now.  I was sitting in a client meeting today, and all of a sudden, I felt the tango start up inside, and it suddenly put things in perspective.  These are the moments that make being pregnant really cool.  It's a constant, private reminder not to lose sight of what's really important and to realize that all of the things that we take so seriously on a day-to-day basis may not be as critical as we think.  Of course, they're important, but maybe not so critical.  

Saturday, February 13, 2010

18 Weeks

8-9 inches, 8 oz.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

It's a GIRL!!!

We had a great ultrasound today and found out that Baby Mo is a GIRL!  And she's a very active little girl already.  She was moving, kicking, holding her feet with her hands, and waving her arms all over the place.  I had no idea she would be so active because I can't feel it so much yet, but we are starting to feel the kicks and the rolls occasionally, so I can only imagine what it will be like when she's doing the tango AND she's 7 lbs!

So far, all of her development is perfectly on track with being in the 18th week.  She's 8 ounces and about 8-9 inches long already!  I am definitely showing (in my eyes), although everyone still says I'm tiny.  Photos of the ultrasound and of my belly to follow.  We're in the cruising stage of this pregnancy, so no news is good news, but we'll still do regular updates as I get more of the jelly belly going.

And then one day....

...there was another.  

Welcome to our blog!  For all of you who want to watch the new Mo grow, we'll be posting photos and stories to share with friends and family.  

Today we find out if we have a boy or girl, so check back in for the news!