Thursday, September 30, 2010

Lynn Milosz, Photographer

If Lynn knew that I was shamelessly promoting her photographic skills, she'd probably kill me, but she came over the other day and very casually shot some images of Alexandria and me. I never expected them to be so beautiful! I would be happy to refer anyone who is interested in having candids taken. She is not a "professional" photographer (yet), but I would love to support her passion!

Friday, September 17, 2010


For everyone out there following the blog, I just wanted to let you know that I will continue posting. I've made a bargain with myself that I have to finish the second half of Alexandria's delivery story before I post again, and I'm working on it, but it's a saga. I'm hoping to carve out the time before I return to work in October so we can get this show on the road, but I HAVE TO FINISH IT!!

There are also a lot of issues I want to broach in future posts about what no one tells you before you become a Mom (identity crisis, bizarre time warps, the loneliest place you've ever known). It's been a trip, personally, to be a Mom, and I'm having revelations constantly that are worth exploring further. So hang in there, and I promise I'll get this going again ASAP.

Thanks for everyone's support along the way so far!