Wednesday, February 24, 2010

20 1/2 Weeks (over half way there!)

I'm starting to feel a lot more movement now.  I was sitting in a client meeting today, and all of a sudden, I felt the tango start up inside, and it suddenly put things in perspective.  These are the moments that make being pregnant really cool.  It's a constant, private reminder not to lose sight of what's really important and to realize that all of the things that we take so seriously on a day-to-day basis may not be as critical as we think.  Of course, they're important, but maybe not so critical.  


  1. So true! You are still so so tiny. She is going to be a little thing! I love that you have this blog and are actually posting on it. I miss you guys! I can't wait to see that cute little baby Mo.

  2. I just want to give you and your little bit big 'ol baby belly a really big hug!

    You look Marvelous!

    And shhhh don't tell anyone but I stopped at a Gymboree store last Saturday and....oh my is this going to be fun!!

  3. I"m so excited for you! I can't wait for that to happen...any day now!
