Friday, September 17, 2010


For everyone out there following the blog, I just wanted to let you know that I will continue posting. I've made a bargain with myself that I have to finish the second half of Alexandria's delivery story before I post again, and I'm working on it, but it's a saga. I'm hoping to carve out the time before I return to work in October so we can get this show on the road, but I HAVE TO FINISH IT!!

There are also a lot of issues I want to broach in future posts about what no one tells you before you become a Mom (identity crisis, bizarre time warps, the loneliest place you've ever known). It's been a trip, personally, to be a Mom, and I'm having revelations constantly that are worth exploring further. So hang in there, and I promise I'll get this going again ASAP.

Thanks for everyone's support along the way so far!


  1. Allison - Every time I read this thing, I get the chills and teary eyed... and SUPER SCARED to have one my self. I'm so happy for you guys... but do you think you can share more pictures even if you don't post the rest of teh birth story! I need my baby fix! :)

  2. OMG! I am not alone!!! I hear you on all fronts on the I was forced to go back to work on 9/8! BOO! Miss you!
