Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Week 25

This is the first week that I feel like I actually look pregnant. No denying, regardless of what I wear, I look pregnant. I'm not complaining. There's something really cool about the greetings you get, the smiles, the look on people's faces when they see you that shows you that you're pregnant. They respond with this sort of inquisitive, glowing , supportive look, like they're cheering you on. Even grumpy old men are a little less grumpy. I'm happy I can so easily share this good feeling with people just by showing a belly.


  1. I love it and totally hear ya! You go girl!

  2. It's funny because when I saw this picture, before I read your post, I said to myself, "she finally LOOKS pregnant". Of course you're adorable! What is your due date? Did you post that and I missed it? Miss you guys!
